MNPS McKissack Middle School

MNPS - McKissack Middle School - Per Contract
# of Kids

Metro Nshville Public Schools

McKissack Middle School

Schools of Innovation

1 hour robotics class for 6 weeks

Week #ConceptLessonActivity
1Intro building cells/ Intro dc motors, switches, batteries and crown gearCell Sheets/Drill DuelerUse robot to knock down pyramid of cups. Modify to make robot go straight
2Intro mainboard and wired controllerFlag FootbotUse bots to play flag football or capture the flag
3Intro new motor orientation and modeElectronic TurretUse e-turret to shoot rubber bands, modify to see how far the rubber band will go.
4Intro use of gears / gear ratiosSoccer Bot Jr.Use robot to play soccer or Hungry, Hungry Hippo
5Intro use of 3rd motorSpinning Blade Battle BotBattle Bots
6Intro IR sensorIR TransformerCreate self driving Transformer Car to follow a line on floor. Then change to wired controller- let kids drive the bots.

MNPS McKissack Middle School (2024-09-20 - 2025-05-30)
Date & Time

September 20, 2024

Start - 3:00 PM Friday

May 30, 2025

End - 4:05 PM US/Central

Moses McKissack Middle School

915 38th Ave N
Nashville TN United States
--Moses McKissack Middle School--
Get the direction

RoboThink Middle Tennessee


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