Madison - Introduction to Robotics @ CHET
Robotics Workshop
Ages 8-13
Tuesdays, 3:15 - 4:45
April 9, 16, 23, 30
Join us to build and play with robots!
Each week we'll be building and playing with a different robot. Using dc motors, gears, mainboards, IR sensors and more, each child will be guided through building and customizing their bots. We'll provide everything that is needed and will work to nurture a love of STEM. No experience necessary.
Week 1:
Lesson: Introduce dc motors and switches
Robot: Drill Dueler
Week 2:
Lesson: Introduce the mainboard
Robot: Flag-Footbot
Week 3:
Lesson: Introduce how gears work together
Robot: Soccer Bot
Week 4:
Lesson: Introduce a different motor orientation
Robot: Electronic Turret