Girl Scouts - Designing & Programming Robots - 2 sessions for 10 girls
Welcome Girl Scouts!
Ages 8-13
We'll be meeting on 2 dates to teach you everything you'll need to get 2 robotics badges:
Designing Robots
Programming Robots Badge
Price includes 2 sessions of robotics for 10 girls in each session.
Session 1: Sunday, January 21, 2:00 - 3:30
In our first session, we'll learn about the parts that make up a robot by building one! We'll start by building a self-driving car using gears, dc motors, a mainboard, and IR sensors. Our self-driving car wil follow a line on the floor. After you've mastered the self-driving car, we'll convert it to a car that you'll control and drive.
Session 2: Sunday, Feb. 4, 2:00 - 3:30
In our second session, we'll build DuBot and program it to travel through a maze all by itself. You'll be using dc motors, gears, a mainboard and a tablet to build and code your bot. Don't worry about the programming language since we'll be using a drag-and-drop version of Scratch. No prior experience is necessary.